Our innovative Low Flow Controllers detect and alert low flow water leaks in real time, save water Loss & prevent big financial and property damages
Low Flow Controller
Low Flow Controller (LFC), at this stage without alert system, is a small (60 mm), innovative patented device.
LFC installed to any residential water meter will provide it the ability to measure unregistered low water flows from the first drop deriving from water leaks, meaning:
The Low Flow Controller, serves as a Non-Return Valve, as well. As a non-return valve it has best results, being with lowest pressure drop compared to any other non-return valve in the water industry. Water utilities which need to supply constant and stable water at all times regard as advantageous and crucial, devices which by connecting to water pipes or water tanks do not cause pressure drops in the pipes. Keeping the same pressure in the pipes is crucial to maintain current fluent flow and supply of water and the Low Flow Controller ensures it.
Solving Non Revenue Water problem and creating immediate higher incomes for water providers and utilities
- The Low Flow Controller for volumetric water meters (PD Type) has been developed, tested and is ready for Marketing & Sales.
- We can supply all quantity to Water Utilities, Water Meter producers and technology and water equipment providers.
We Are Looking for International Distributors If you wish to be our International Distributor please Contact Us

- The Smart LFC, an IOT product, is a Low Flow Controller with a SMART unit having sensors, energy source and sim card with integrated Automatic Alert Messaging system
- It will signal online at real time remote warnings when low water flow leaks occur
- Signals, by SMS or other electronic message, will be sent to support centers, water utilities, householders, the insurance company
- Integration with Smart-Cities information support centers
- Solving Water Loss & Financial Damages from low flows leaks by detecting and reporting leaks in real time