WFT Powered

Water Flow Tech's Innovative Solutions

Solving Water Loss from low flows by detecting and reporting leaks in real time:

The Smart Low Flow Controller (Smart LFC).

The Smart LFC, an IOT product, is a controller with sensors and integrated Automatic Alert Messaging system, which will send online remote warnings signal when low water flow leaks occur. The signal, in the form of SMS or other electronic message, will be received on real time by support centers, water utilities, the client (owner of the water meter) and insurer.  Smart-LFC will also integrate with Smart-Cities information support centers.
The Smart LFC is in R&D phase.

Solving Non Revenue Water problem and creating immediate higher incomes for water providers and utilities:

The Low Flow Controller (LFC).

The Low Flow Controller installed to any volumetric water meter will provide the water meter the ability to measure low water flows from the first drop which today is unregistered.  Utilities will be able to bill and generate higher incomes from new registered water and gain lost incomes.

The Low Flow Controller for volumetric meters is developed, ready to market and withstood successfully all international standards tests.

The Low Flow Controller for velocity (Multi Jet) water meters is yet to be developed.

The Opportunity to Water Utilities

  • Cost-effective – solution for Low Flow Leaks & Damages
  • Water saving & Generating New Incomes – diminishing Non Revenue Water & charging for all consumed water
  • optimization of water measurement –Increasing water meter effectiveness,  fair billing for customers
  • Identify leaks at real time and getting electronic alerts – preventing leaks, theft detection, structural damages
  • Low-cost solution for water meters –  No need to purchase    more accurate and more expensive meters
  • Extension of Meter’s life – replacement due to inaccuracy of aging meters will be postponed
  • Flexibility – the controllers are designed to fit any pipe
  • A non-return valve – best of its kind, minimal pressure drop
  • Energy saving – due to optimization of pressure drop

The Opportunity to Insurance Companies

  • Huge cost savings in paying for water leakage damages at homes & offices
    (in US only, the insurance industry attributes in aggregate, about $ 2.5 billion paid out each year for low flow water damage related claims. This is an average of nearly $ 7,000 per house claim.)
  • A powerful decision making tool, whether to deny or not Applicant’s request for water damages in the insurance policy
  • Huge savings in time & human recourses for damages management & repairs

The Opportunity of Householders

  • Turning unnoticed invisible water leaks to apparent
  • Real-time Alert to Householders in case of any leakage detection from low flows leaks
  • Huge money savings for renovations
  • Sparing Householders a huge inconvenience due to leakage damages dealings and repairs
  • A trusted tool for the householders (Real Estate Sales & Buying)
  • Savings in insurance policy premium or waiving water leaks insurance coverage costs